Fertility Talk

Cathing Up with Natalie Silverman and the Fertility Podcast

The Fertility Podcast and producer Natalie Silverman are familiar names to the #TTC community. With entertaining, expert interviews and people sharing their first-hand experience of infertility, Natalie’s podcast is one of the most informative and entertaining resources for those going on their own fertility journeys. We are super pleased (and not in a smug way) that Natalie has been recommending our services to her listeners:

'I'm really excited to be working with Apricity, as its approach to patient support is exactly what is needed. Having been through treatment myself and as someone who speaks to people all the time, I know what is lacking. When going through fertility treatment, all too often we are left to feel alone, especially during the two-week wait and if treatment doesn't work, and I love the way you have access to support with the advisors and the app, 7 days a week.'


We decided to feature Natalie as our guest blogger this month to allow readers learn more about her and her podcast. So happy reading, and happy listening!


Hiya I'm Natalie Silverman, host of The Fertility Podcast. My podcast is for anyone looking to find out more about issues affecting your fertility, especially if you don’t want to constantly be trawling the internet! Imagine having access to a whole host of expert interviews and men and women sharing their infertility stories that you can relate to. Well you do. With over 170 episodes, the podcast is now 4 and a half and it has been an unexpected journey into what I can only describe as an amazing community of brilliant people, educating, creating, supporting you whilst you are trying to conceive. It is one of the most inspiring places I've ever experienced, having found it after one of the most challenging times in my life. My story… well I’m a radio broadcaster with over 15 years’ experience. I hosted a breakfast show with Heart for five years which I left to have my son. We were fortunate to have one successful round of ICSI and our son, Phoenix was born in March 2015. Once successfully pregnant, I launched this podcast as I could only find American voices talking about fertility issues and felt strongly that there should be a British one. Now there are many more podcasts available which I’m delighted about. Podcasts are growing in popularity as people realise how easy they are to consume and when it comes to something as tricky to talk about as infertility, hearing other people who you can relate to helps with the isolation. I’m chuffed to say The Fertility Podcast is listened to in over 90 countries, although that statement is tinged with sadness as it reminds me just how many of us are dealing with this issue. I've learnt from the wonderful people who have shared their stories that infertility drags its heels for many years. Whether it’s time spent having to endure failed cycles or pregnancy loss, the emotional toll of it all is relentless. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve made over 170 episodes so far and it feels like there is a long way to go, so much more to talk about and I’m constantly looking for more stories to tell, more angles to cover. This is why I’m really looking forward to working with Apricity, as I think it offers an essential service to anyone starting fertility treatment as all too often I hear from people who feel they aren’t being supported emotionally. My aim is to always put the much emphasis on empowering you with the knowledge of how you can best work your way through infertility and ultimately be successful on your quest to parenthood which is why I am passionate about working with people who I feel are also being innovative in their approach. My advice is to arm yourself with information about lifestyle changes, nutrition, mindfulness and seek out the right people who can support you and hopefully guide you. Don’t let this infertility be your demise, let me be a pal in all of this - know you aren’t alone. You can subscribe to The Fertility Podcast via Apple Podcast, Acast, Stitcher or Google Podcasts and be sure to check out www.thefertilitypodcast.com or follow me on Instagram or Twitter @fertilitypoddy.




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